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When is the Best Time to Move?


Moving is something you can do any time of the year, however, there are different ‘seasons’ where moving is usually high or low. While your move of course centers around your personal factors such as your work, family concerns, budget, and many more, it is always useful to check and see which season would suit you the most if you are keen on planning your move well ahead of time.

Moving Seasons

As mentioned previously, the decision on which season is the best one for you to move depends on your own factors.

For example, if you wish to carry out the move on a tight budget, moving during the winter or late-autumn would be a better option for you, or if you have school-going children, the easiest time to move would be during the summer, when they have holidays. Nevertheless, when deciding on which season to move, you can consider the following points.

  • Winter
    • During winter, the demand for moving is at its least, so the rates are at their lowest, too. There are often discount offers by moving companies that you can make an advantage of. It is indeed the most wonderful time of the year!

  • Spring
    • The weather would be milder and less harsh than it is in winter, and as an added advantage, the demand for moving would be still pretty low, so that you could access movers with flexible time schedules and low rates.

  • Summer
    • Summer is actually a great time to move as it would be easier for you to sell your house too, if you plan to. You would be able to sell for a higher price than you would in the off-season due to the high demand. However, with higher demand, it should be noted that the moving rates would be higher, too.

  • Autumn
    • This season provides great weather conditions to move. As an added bonus, you would be able to purchase property on good off-season deals if you choose to move during autumn.

Moving Months

Let’s put aside the seasons for a second and think month-wise. What would be the best month to move? Just like it did before, this also depends on your personal factors, but let’s assume that ‘best’ here means the most cost-effective time period. If so, then your best options would be from roughly mid-September to April. In this time window, there would be less hassle, and potentially less rates in moving as well.

If you consider high convenience to decide on the ‘best’ month, we suggest that you avoid the months of June - August, as during this period, most people tend to move houses due to holidays and it would be rather hectic for you to find movers and the rates also will be relatively higher.

Nonetheless, we suggest that you do a small research on the city you’re moving to, so that you can get an idea on popular moving days and make your schedule accordingly.

Moving Weeks

Of course, it’s better to decide on which week of the month you plan on moving. It is always recommended to move during mid-weeks, rather than the first or last weeks of a month. First and last weeks tend to be too busy, as most of the leases begin in the first week of a month. If you have the flexibility to select any week, we suggest that you opt out for a mid-week for your move, as the demand will be lower, along with the moving rates.

Moving Days

When picking a date for the move, it is usually considered that the weekdays are best suited for the job. The time window between Monday to Thursday shows less demand for moving. Therefore, it would be rather easier to move during the week if you can spare to skip a day of work. Due to the greater demand for movers and the limited number of weekends in a month, relocating on a Saturday or Sunday may result in higher moving charges (especially during peak seasons). Relocating on a day of the week means you'll have the full weekend to unpack and organize everything with no rush.

Moving Time of the Day

On the day of the move, the earlier it is, the better it would be. It would be easier for the movers to load everything in the cool, crisp hours of the morning than under the blazing sun. Not only that, the earlier you start moving, the earlier you would reach your destination, giving you plenty of time to unload and unpack and get settled in.

Of course, not only these, you have to consider other factors such as the weather, your work conditions, family concerns, legal concerns when moving from one place to another and the like. It should be also noted that there is no time that is considered 100% ideal, as they depend on such external factors, but when you sort them out to the best possible extent, you would be able to plan a move that would cover all requirements.

Nonetheless, if you wish to move, Onell Removals; Man & Van Deliveries is readily at your service to help you plan the move on the best grounds. As we are professional movers with over 10 years of experience, we can give you the guarantee that your move would be carried out as flawlessly as possible. All you have to do is get in contact with us at 020 8090 2781 / 079 0908 0223 or to plan your next move.

by Charlie Dissan

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